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  Nr. 3618 de marti, 9 mai 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
Presidential hernia
Although announced yesterday at 5:00 pm by proffesor Sorin Oprescu, in charge of the medical, to undergo surgery at Elias Hospital in Bucharest, the president of Romania decided last night to have the surgery at the AKH Clinic in Vienna and departured for Austria around midnight.
The day before yesterday Romanian president Traian Basescu was diagnosed with hernia. Yesterday at noon he had more medical tests. Doctors decided surgery was needed at once.
Being under general anaesthesia while in surgery, Traian Basescu is supposed to be unable to fulfill his presidential duties for 2-3 hours.
Due to the Romanian president's health, the official visit of the Finnish president Tarja Halonen, announced for today, had to be postponed. (...)
(C.P.; A.H.) 
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