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  Nr. 3608 de miercuri, 26 aprilie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
Realm under water
Heavy rains and the overflowing Danube have damaged lots of Romanian villages, harming thousands of families. Both television and newspapers have been reporting on their suffering. The invocation of God's power is their last hope that the nightmare would come to an end.
But there is one category of creatures whose drama is taking place far from cameras: wild animals. Surrounded by water from everywhere, starved and fearing death, they struggle to survive. But unbound nature puts obstacles in their way. Nature will cause species of mammals on huge lands to go extinct.
One week ago Borcea River destroyed the breakwater in Roseti, close to Calarasi, and an overwhelming amount of water came down upon 9,000 hectares of bushes and land on which wheat, corn and sunflower grew. (...) (M.T.)
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