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  Nr. 3608 de miercuri, 26 aprilie 2006 
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Parliament of Europe holds debate on accession
Brussels is hosting today a special session on the progress of Romania and Bulgaria with view to the EU membership. EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn is to answer questions from Euro-deputies on the accession of Romania and Bulgaria and on the accomplishing of reforms needed.
Today's debate is taking place because Elmar Brok (president of the Foreign Affairs Committee in the Parliament of Europe), Pierre Moscovici (EU rapporteur for Romania) and Geoffrey van Orden (EU rapporteur for Bulgaria) want to know whether the speed, contents and orientation of ongoing reforms in Romania and Bulgaria call for the two states' accession to the EU in 2007 or not.
Commissioner Rehn is to tell if the European Commission thinks the Justice reform and the fight of corruption and organized crime are the fields that need more determined efforts from Romania and Bulgarian authorities. Euro-deputies have also asked about the need to set a close monitor system in the first three years after the two states' accession and applicable safeguard clauses.
The Commissioner is also to display arguments for and against postponing the European Commission's decision on the date of accession till autumn or for activating some safeguard clauses and protection measures needed till October. Romanian minister of European integration Anca Boagiu is attending today's session in Brussels too. (...)
George DAMIAN 
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