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  Nr. 3608 de miercuri, 26 aprilie 2006 
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Graham Watson: Postponement of decision on accession would be unfair
EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn is to answer questions from the Foreign Affairs Committee today. Euro-deputies are to ask him some questions too. This is not at all common procedure, for this debate was to take place once, in May 16, after the release of the European Commission's report.
There is fear that such supplementary procedure should be an attempt of groups against the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to have the final voting take place in autumn. Formally speaking, it means that the Council of Europe reunion due in June will not have debate on the two states' EU membership, simply because there is no consent from the Parliament of Europe. This is why today is a highly important day. It is believed that there will be open battle between groups for and against accession.
Some Euro-deputies had a press conference yesterday on international child adoption. The Romanian government was accused of causing huge suffering by blocking cases of child adoption, although the legislation in use was completed under Brussels pressure and in cooperation with many experts from authorized European institutions.
ZIUA reporter Cristian Unteanu has just interviewed Graham Watson, leader of the Liberal-Democrat group in the Parliament of Europe. Watson has expressed hope that the Parliament of Europe will allow the process of evaluating and monitoring the two candidates to continue without interruption. He opined today's debate is a means of harassment initiated by certain right groups and some left ones, especially from Germany, in order to delay or modify the accession of both Romania and Bulgaria.
Watson says that if they postpone decision on the two states' accession till autumn, it would be unfair to Romania and Bulgaria, as they both need time for preparations. He opines there is need of clear sign whether Romania and Bulgaria join the EU in January 1, 2007 or not. (...)
As for the critique against the Romanian government's ban on international child adoption, Graham Watson mentions the government did all that the EU and the Parliament of Europe required and froze international adoption cases in order to prevent more such cases. Watson opines this is in keeping with the view dominating the world at present.
The Liberal-Democrat leader thinks most voices in the Parliament of Europe agree on the significant progress Romania has been making. Still he says there are more things to be done, but mentions there is trust that everything will be done the right way. He describes himself as a great friend of the Romanian people and says "welcome" to the EU!
Cristian UNTEANU, Brussels 
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