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  Nr. 3607 de sambata, 22 aprilie 2006 
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Germany watches Romania
-- MEPs due to start debates on accession of Romania and Bulgaria in April 26
German MEP Markus Ferber said Thursday evening that while in Bucharest he had heard everyone was expecting the European Commission's report to include no proposal to postpone Romania's accession to the EU, whereas in Brussels there was more silence about the issue.
Ferber attended debate on Romania's membership. German Foundations Konrad Adenauer and Hans Seidel arranged the event. Ferber outlined he would read the European Commission's report due in May very carefully, as it was up to this institution to decide on eventual postponement. He mentioned that MEPs close monitoring of Romania was part of the usual attitude at those countries that wanted to join the EU. He outlined the other 10 states that had joined the EU in 2004 had also been carefully watched. Ferber opined that after accession some states didn't seem to be as happy as before and mentioned the EU wanted to avoid this and conflicts as well.
German Conservative MEPs Harmut Nassauer, Daniel Caspary, Alfred Gomolka and Bernard Posselt also attended the above-mentioned debate. The German delegation is paying a visit to Romania in order to get information before debates due to start in the Parliament of Europe in April 26. MEPs are going to debate on the membership of Romania and Bulgaria. EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn is also to attend.
While in Romanian the German MEPs had meetings with Romanian president Traian Basescu, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu and interior minister Vasile Blaga. They also talked to Bogdan Olteanu, president of the Chamber of Deputies, and Justice minister Monica Macovei. (G.D.)
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