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  Nr. 3602 de luni, 17 aprilie 2006 
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B.B. tandem against Tariceanu
Romanian president Traian Basescu together with Gigi Becali criticized Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu again at the end of last week. The head of state announced public opinion that he no longer trusted the PM as they were no longer sharing the same objectives. In the end he reiterated regret to have named Calin Popescu Tariceanu prime minister of Romania.
Just one day before Traian Basescu said it, Gigi Becali opined the Romanian PM was "a bug politician", whereas he himself was a "monster politician". Liberals Putiu Hasotti and Theodor Melescanu stood by the PM, advising the Romanian president to stop watching "cartoons" and read the protocol of D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance instead.
This was not the first time that Basescu and Becali attacked the Romanian PM in the open. The first episode took place a fortnight ago, when Becali refused to give Tariceanu official seats to watch the Steaua-Rapid soccer game. He said such seats were for VIPs, whereas the PM was only a "very important parrot". Basescu tried a trick right afterwards, saying he wouldn't go to the stadium in order to show disagreement with offences against the PM. But a few hours later he changed his mind and at midnight he had some wine with Gigi Becali at the Golden Blitz.
A few days later the Romanian president said on TV that he was sorry he had named Tariceanu a PM. But yesterday he tried to do away with his own image as biased president and did rough comment against certain ministries ruled by Democrats. In the end he seemed to reach balance again and criticized the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) because of the recent scandal on the CNSAS head, in which he had fought together with the Democrat Party against the National Liberal Party. (...)
Democrat ministers and the CNSAS were the president's targets
The head of the state did rough critique of the ministries in charge of transport, health and education, although they are not the ones that can prevent Romania from joining the EU on schedule.
He pointed to queues in drugstores. He commented that although the new health laws had passed, the difficulty was still persisting and needed solution.
The president of Romanian expressed dissatisfaction with the activity of the ministry of transport and the ministry of education, headed by Democrats. He outlined he didn't care which parties these ministers were part of.
Basescu criticized the CNSAS as well and emphasized this institution could do its duty only if it stopped being demagogical. He opined that the CNSAS member should be less of TV stars and dedicate their time to the mission they were to accomplish and asked them for decency and cooperation. He added: "Otherwise, they will remain just demagogical people, like the former ones." (...) (Roxana ANDRONIC)
Tariceanu: I'm not as high as the gentleman who had wine with Basescu
PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu wouldn't comment on Traian Basescu's words about him, ironically claiming he himself was not as high as the gentleman who had had wine with Basescu at the Golden Blitz.
The PM mentioned: "I have outlined that what matters in politics is institutional relations that come before personal relations. If Traian Basescu has got more to share with the gentleman he had wine with at the Golden Blitz, I can only say I'm not as high." (Mediafax)
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