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  Nr. 3600 de vineri, 14 aprilie 2006 
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Records destroyed to obey orders in December 22, 1989
Two days ago while attending debate on the political reform in Romania, the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) president Claudiu Secasiu said that some records on main politicians after 1989, included in the secret services' archives, had been destroyed to obey orders in December 22, 1989.
Secasiu explained the substantial difference between the number of records the CNSAS got in 2000 and the figures Ticu Dumitrescu had got from the SRI (Romanian Secret Service) in 1983. According to the CNSAS head, the institution got no proof on the destruction of some records, as the CNSAS members could nor evaluate the quantity of documents.
Secasiu emphasized that the institution he was head of had got no information about the exact number of records in the archives of the secret services. He also mentioned there was a large number of records that the SRI-CNSAS joint commission had not taken up yet. (...)
The CNSAS official promised that in his first meeting with the SRI heads he would ask them to make things clear about what the services inherited from the ex Securitate. (...)
Olteanu: The services have got excessive powers
Liberal Bogdan Olteanu, president of the Chamber of Deputies, opined that the secret services had excessive powers. He thought it abnormal that there was no information about the income the services got from the economic activities they had the right to. He mentioned he would plead that such a right should be banned. (...)
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