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  Nr. 3599 de joi, 13 aprilie 2006 
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Vanghelie to become executive president
Marian Vanghelie is to become interim executive president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) organization in Bucharest today. Corina Cretu and three more members are to become vice presidents, sources said yesterday.
According to sources from the party, Marian Vanghelie is to take over Sorin Oprescu's position in the PSD after Dan Ioan Popescu's self-suspension. (...) Both Vanghelie and Oprescu will have interim mandates, as Dan Ioan Popescu's situation is not clear. On the other hand, it is expected that after things become clear both Oprescu and Vanghelie should be confirmed as leaders of Bucharest Social-Democrats. (...) (R.A.)
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