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  Nr. 3599 de joi, 13 aprilie 2006 
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Romanians want a different government
More than 40% of Romanians agree there should be established a different governmental majority and PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu should be replaced. This is one conclusion reached in the opinion poll recently released by the ATLE (Association for Transparency and Freedom of Expression).
Most Romanians thinks that early election is not a good idea for this year or for 2007. (...)
D.A. Alliance - 44%, PSD - 22%
As for vote intentions, 44% of Romanian citizens would vote for the D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance. 22% would go for the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and 13% are adepts of the PRM ("Great Romania" Party). The UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) and the PIN (National Initiative Party) have got 6% each. There are about 3% who would vote for the Conservative Party. It is to be mentioned that about 37% of Romanians have not decided whom to vote for yet. Most citizens believe the D.A. Alliance will split before next elections. In case the Liberals and the Democrats ran as separate candidates, the first would get 46% and the latter would reach 54%.
The resignation of the most corrupted is positive
Most citizens appreciate Adrian Nastase's resignation as president of the Chamber of Deputies and think this has got positive impact on Romania's accession to the EU. Adrian Nastase is also thought to be the most corrupted among the corrupted officials in Romania.
Basescu is still no. 1
Traian Basescu is still enjoying most trust and he seems to be the politician Romanians like best. Mircea Geoana, Gigi Becali, Monica Macovei and Theodor Stolojan come close. (...)
The only opposition leader citizens seem to trust is Mircea Geoana. Ion Iliescu comes next at great distance.
Health, floods, bird flu
But political issues are not priority on citizens' agenda. Romanians thinks the main issues in March were the health system, the government's action to prevents flood damage and bird flu from spreading. Accession to the EU doesn't look like priority.
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