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  Nr. 3599 de joi, 13 aprilie 2006 
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Awkward Stan
Ion Stan, secretary of the SRI (Romanian Secret Service) Commission, has come with breaking news on records. The accusations the Social-Democrat deputy voiced yesterday should sack main personalities.
Deputy Ion Stan claims the CSAT (Supreme Council for National Security) and the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) has kept secret several records on politicians during the reign of former governments. The action took place while Onisoru was head of the CNSAS and Emil Constantinescu was on presidential mandate.
Ion Stan, ex president of the SRI Commission and a reliable friend of ex PM Adrian Nastase, is the man who had access to much information. Radu Stroe, head of the SRI Commission at present, confirms Stan's statement. The Liberal deputy comments: "I am convinced that while Onisoru was in power records were classified because they claimed national security was at stake." ZIUA contacted ex president Constantinescu and Catalin Harnagea, ex head of the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Department), who claimed nothing had been classified.
Stan comments: "If Emil Constantinescu cannot remember about classification, he should phone Costin Georgescu (ex SRI head) and Onisoru. They can refresh his memory and remind him about records classified while he ruled." If Stan is lying for the sake of political games, then such a statement should be fatal to him. If he isn't, then it is the fault of ex members of the CSAT, since they used to reach decisions only with majority consensus.
Romanian president Traian Basescu has recently asked the CNSAS to reanalyze the 105,000 classified records. (...)
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