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  Nr. 3566 de luni, 6 martie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
Nastase's house opened for journalists
Saturday afternoon Adrian Nastase opened wide the door of his sumptuous house, inviting journalists to step in for a visit. (...)
I leave his place feeling like I have just seem a play with too much props and tired characters, a sad show with predictable denouement. It is that kind of play that makes you leave before act III, scene 2 or before the fat lady sings, as the Americans say. I admit it is hard for me to believe many of the things said during that visit. This is because Adrian Nastase's terms with journalists haven't been exactly good so far. While in power, he would look down on them and show arrogance or mock. He admitted it himself, he admitted having been wrong in his terms with the press. I find it hard to believe he can change this in a day or two.
I can't say how helpful this "search by press" will be to the president of the Chamber of Deputies. As for the investigations by the National Anti-Corruption Department, they will progress in spite of this image attempt Nastase plotted. But one thing is sure and I have to admit Nastase is right: It is not the type of window glass or wood floor that prosecutors want to search. They are actually after other objects, especially documents. I am also certain that the ex PM will find it difficult to explain to authorities checking on personal properties how come he owns such an impressing amount of valuables. He surely can't claim his wages as high official was enough.
It is only rigorous expertise that can make things clear about the precious objects in Nastase's house. As for the house owner, Nastase said upon journalists' entrance that he would be satisfied to get 4 million Euro for the house and what was in it. Still there is one thing we should decide on: where did he get the money to buy his suite and his son's apartment? He said he had paid it to the company owned by Sergiu Sechelariu. Where did he get this money from, since he spent what he inherited from aunt Tamara on paintings and sculptures and on renovating his house in Cornu?
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