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  Nr. 3559 de sambata, 25 februarie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
Procedural KO
Dinu Patricu is free after prosecutors' third attempt to get warrant against him. Bucharest Courthouse decided prosecutors' request was vitiated because of severe procedure break. Judges admitted 1 out of 5 exceptions invoked by the Rompetrol president's lawyers. Magistrates contested the nullity of the information note because the accused was not questioned in the presence of his lawyer. The Prosecutor's Office opened canceling appeal against court decision. Prosecutors tried to get Patriciu arrested in February 16 too, but the court postponed session. In May 28, 2005, the court set the businessmen free after he had been retained after 18-hour questioning. At that time judges decided Patriciu needn't be arrested for investigations. (...) (V.C.)
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