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  Nr. 3548 de luni, 13 februarie 2006 
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CSAT leads Romania to police-like state
CSAT (the Supreme Council for National Security) members are meeting today to talk about the National Security Strategy and more projects on national security decisions. This meeting can be the starting point for breaking certain fundamental human rights, as well as for attack against democracy.
The National Security Department in Presidency Administration has demanded juridical experts in institutions part of the public discipline and national security system for proposals about the elaboration of a set of laws to settle the activity of information services against the background of the recently established National Information Community. There have been expressed some proposals and today they will be included in several law projects on the activity of the secret services, in relation to the national doctrine on security information.
Unofficial sources say among these projects there is one elaborated by a secret service and it is about means to get data needed for criminal inquiries. It says information officers may draw preliminary documents proving threats against national security. In case such a law passes, information officers employed by SRI (the Romanian Secret Service), SIE (the Foreign Intelligence Service) and more may demand or obtain objects, records or official information from public and private institutions, just as they may get information from persons and other institutions. Such an absurd point would allow future information officers in charge of investigations to enter any institution and pick up documents or objects. (...) (Doru DRAGOMIR).
Politicians accuse "the rebirth of the ex Communist Secret Service"
Most officials in parliamentary experts commissions have responded to the Romanian president's intention to enlarge the secret services' attributions. PNL (the National Liberal Party) and UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania) have vehemently opposed it, protesting against any interference of in Justice. The Liberals have even demanded refusal of what they call "the rebirth of the ex Communist Secret Service". PD (the Democrat Party) representatives, closer to president Basescu, wouldn't be express clear opinion for or against the project. Senator Daniela Buruiana, the only representative of PRM ("Great Romania" Party) in the SIE commission and the defense commission, opines there is need to enlarge the attributions of information agents because of growing threats against national security, but only if there is appropriate parliamentary control on it. (...) (Alina MIHAI).
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