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  Nr. 3544 de miercuri, 8 februarie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
UDMR defeated PD in only eight hours
The ultimatum for UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania), supposed to make them decide to quit structures in power, died away in less than eight hours. The Coalition paid during the open confrontation against UDMR representatives. Accompanied by three other members of UDMR, Marko Bela defeated their partners in PD (the Democrat Party). After the Coalition members' meeting taking three hours, Adriean Videanu went out to announce nothing would happen to Gyorgy Frunda, as there was no vote unanimity and UDMR didn't meet the Alliance's request. Therefore Frunda is still in the Alliance in power. (...)(A.M., R.P., A.H.)
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