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  Nr. 3544 de miercuri, 8 februarie 2006 
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Nastase is criminally investigated in two cases
Is this a theatrical move or the high-quality professionalism of prosecutors subordinate to Daniel Morar? For the time being, nobody can evaluate clues and proves in the Zambaccian case. As for this, yesterday prosecutors pressed bribe charges against Nastase. It is a very severe corruption charge against official Adrian Nastase. The ex PM having dishonest business connections with Social-Democrat criminal Gabriel Bivolaru responded at once. He tried to overthrow charges with traffic of influence and bribe. But his allegations are denied by the way the "land bribe" had traveled on route as follows: criminal Bivolaru - people close to Nastase's family - Nastase's lawyers cabinet.
Bribe-giver Bivolaru wanted bribe-taker Nastase to influence prosecutors Ioan Irimie and Daniel Morar, who were investigating him for fraud on BRD (the Romanian Bank of Development). Bribe-taker Nastase met the request and reached a criminal dead end. A gang of 60 Social-Democrats VIPs, led by vice president of Deputies' Chamber Adrian Nastase, came down upon the Prosecutor's Office, wishing to impress investigators searching Bivolaru. The reward for this political-juridical lobby performed in 1997 was not at all late. In 1998, Nastase become owner of the precious land, which Bivolaru had sold him via other people in 1996.
Bribe-taker Nastase organized his defense relying on the fact that he hadn't got the land straight from Bivolaru. Nastase even wanted to prove he hadn't influenced Justice for Bivolaru, since the latter had been sentenced to three years of prison. It is only courts that are now to decide on Nastase's guilt or innocence. For some years on the ex Social-Democrat PM will be described as "the criminal politician", which will kick him out of the political foreground. He told the press the Zambaccian land had been stolen from him by Sergiu Sechelariu's company.
Yesterday our investigation reporters learnt that Adrian Nastase was criminally investigated in one more case on heritage leaks. (Silviu Alupei)
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