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  Nr. 3539 de joi, 2 februarie 2006 
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Basescu goes to Kiev carrying problematic cases
Romanian president Traian Basescu is to leave for Kiev. He is going to have a meeting with Ukrainian president Viktor Yushchenko tomorrow and analyze bilateral relations. Tomorrow the president is to get to Cernauti too. There are many problematic cases for the relations between Romania and Ukraine and some of them even include the Romanian Presidency's priorities: the rights of Romanians living in North Bucovina and South Basarabia, Bastroe canal, delimitation of the Black Sea continental plateau and Transdniestria. Traian Basescu's mission is all the more difficult as Romanian-Ukrainian disputes have persisted too long, despite statements and positive intentions. They risk turning into real frozen conflicts at the NATO border.
The disputes between Romania and Ukraine should have settled by the end of last year. This is what they announced after president Yushchenko's visit to Bucharest in April 21, 2005. They announced bilateral commission to look for solutions by the end of 2005. Although it is the president's main instrument for foreign affairs, the Foreign Ministry has failed to organize efficient talks on such disputes. The Commission comes to life again today in Kiev and we hope it stands real chances to survive.
Romanian diplomats have also failed explanations on a piece of news, according to which the Romanian ambassador in Kiev talked to the Ukrainian transport minister on a new Danube-Black Sea canal between Romania and Ukraine, although Bucharest officials have criticized Bastroe project. Till ZIUA called it a day the Communication Department in the Foreign Ministry avoided answering some questions about Romanian-Ukrainian disputes, on grounds of law 544/ 2001. Unless the Foreign Ministry staff obeys the law, we have the right to behave accordingly. The very bad year of Romanians living in states neighboring Romania entitles us to invoke ministerial responsibility for a disastrous state of things, in contradiction to Romania's national interests. (D.E.)
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