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  Nr. 3532 de miercuri, 25 ianuarie 2006 
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LATEST - In Brief
Marty report doesn't blame Romania
Given present progress with investigations, there is no official, undeniable information about CIA detention centers in Romania, Poland or any other country. This is written in the preliminary report released yesterday in Strasbourg. Dick Marty, rapporteur for the European Commission, elaborated it. (...)
Marty cited statements by US authorities and more officials, saying there were coherent proves showing a system of "relocating" torture and mentioned he had received detailed information and satellite images, of Romanian locations also, from the institutions he had addressed. (...)
The European Commission requires cooperation
On Monday the European Commission firmly required EU members and candidates to join the EU to fully cooperate in investigations led by Swiss MEP Dick Marty, looking into alleged CIA secret detention centers in Europe.
EU Commissioner for Justice, Freedom and Security Franco Frattini wrote press release appealing to the 25 EU states. The text was corrected and the new version was sent to journalists afterwards. It mentioned EU candidates too, Romania and Bulgaria included.
Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu denied the existence of CIA secret prisons in Romania, mentioning a senators' commission had been made in Bucharest to look into such allegations. Bulgarian minister of foreign affairs Ivailo Kalfin also denied the existence of such secret prisons in Bulgaria. (...) (D.E.)
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