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  Nr. 3526 de miercuri, 18 ianuarie 2006 
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A mother for Cotroceni Palace
Mugur Ciuvica, president of GIP (the Political Investigations Group), claims there is a group of interests close to president Traian Basescu and built on Democrat senator Cornelia Cazacu and presidential adviser Adriana Saftoiu. Ciuvica explained in press release issued yesterday: "A group of interests around president Traian Basescu gets contracts of dozen million Euro from public funds. In the middle of this group of interests there is Democrat senator Cornelia Cazacu and her husband, former Democrat general councilor at Bucharest City Hall. Just as in the case of Adrian Nastase's aunt, the Cazacu couple muffles business by putting a 70-year old woman forward. She is the mother of senator Cazacu. She is 70 and lives in Urlati. She is the owner of the company that got from mayors Traian Basescu and Adriean Videanu contracts to repair the grand avenues in Bucharest. Before she got to be presidential adviser, Adriana Saftoiu had been adviser for one of Cazacu family's company."
Ciuvica says his statements can be proved with Commerce Register data on EUROVIA INTERNATIONAL CONSTRUCT SA and REMIX-ROM 2000 SA, information about Bucharest street repairs published on the Internet page of Bucharest City Hall, as well as with the statements on personal properties written by Cornelia Cazacu and Adriana Saftoiu.
One more detail
The president of GIP opines that apart from this group there are more groups of the kind, close to the head of the state, "prosperous due to public fund business". Ciuvica reminds the press has already unveiled information about the Udrea-Cocos-Bittner group and the Golden Blitz one. (...)
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