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  Nr. 3526 de miercuri, 18 ianuarie 2006 
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Social-Democrat usurers
Adrian Nastase's party took money from mob heads. This information was disclosed by Nutu Camataru (the usurer). He paid fee to get protection through Marian Vanghelie. The Social-Democrat baron of Bucharest, mayor of Bucharest district 5, asked Ion Balint (known as Nutu Camataru) for 400,000 Euro to insure his freedom. Nutu gave him only 100,000 Euro. Victor Stan, Miron Mitrea's godson, attended the many talks between PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) representatives and Ion Balint. The meetings took place in 2002-2004 after midnight, most of the times in the offices of the City Hall in Bucharest district 5 or in a restaurant on Kogalniceanu Avenue. Nutu said: "As he was a good friend of Drajneanu (executive of the Romanian Police chief), Vanghelie warned me that me and my brother Vasile Balint would be arrested, on grounds of unauthorized intercepted phone calls." But the party didn't use black money only, but also the clan's locations or gorillas. Nutu said more: "During elections, ballot boxes were brought to my hotel, where the voting was held, and in the presence of Victor Stan. (...) Vanghelie used my bodyguards numberless times. One he asked me for 150 people, for whom he produced PSD membership cards. They were to cry against Traian Basescu at some party meeting. Silviu Dudita, known as "Fluturica", knows about this too. " (...)
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