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  Nr. 3522 de vineri, 13 ianuarie 2006 
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Sarkozy wants EU enlargement process to freeze
Yesterday French interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy asked the EU enlargement process should "freeze" until achieving reform on EU institutions, says Rompres. In a meeting with press representatives, Sarkozy pleaded for "strategic partnership" with neighboring states not accepted in the EU. He was probably meaning Turkey, whose accession the French minister was against.
Although Sarkozy's part in foreign affairs is just formal, it seems his comments make states after EU accession worry, as he is expected to be one of the main candidates in presidential elections due in France in 2007.
"I think we shouldn't proceed to new EU enlargement as long as the new institutions haven't been adopted", said Sarkozy in a speech expressing his view on Europe and conclusions on the activity of his ministry in 2005. He mentioned: "I certainly mean Croatia, Macedonia, the Balkans in general and Ukraine. As for Romania and Bulgaria, things have got rather far and it would be appropriate for us to stop them."
Austria is for Romania's accession
The Austrian government has mentioned on various occasions support for Romania's accession to the European Union in January 1, 2007, said Austrian Ambassador to Bucharest Christian Zeileissen. He made this statement in a press conference arranged by the European Commission's delegation to Romania when Austria took over the EU presidency.
The Austrian representative mentioned he couldn't speculate on eventual postponement of Romania's admission and reminded it depended on the conclusions included in the European Commission's report to be released in May 2006, as well as on Romania's past, present and future efforts. The decision is to be reached during Austria's mandate as EU president and Austria's role will become active as far as this is concerned only in case the European Commission recommends postponement. In such case, Austria will get to coordinate the Council's attitude at such recommendation.
Decision on accession is due in May 16
The European Commission is going to express recommendation on whether to postpone Romania's accession one year or not in May 16. Until then EU officials are to send to Bucharest 14 missions for evaluation, said Jonathan Scheele, head of the EU delegation to Bucharest, yesterday.
He mentioned that if the European Council had had an opinion on this at present, they wouldn't spend large EU funds on sending 14 different peer-review missions to Romania and 14 to Bulgaria until March. Scheele said the decision was due in May 16. And he explained that in case of postponed admission, the decision would actually be up to the European Commission, but not to the European Commission and Parliament.
George DAMIAN 
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