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  Nr. 3521 de joi, 12 ianuarie 2006 
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Putin and Yushchenko linger about Transdniestria
Romanian minister of foreign affairs Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu answers our questions
ZIUA: What can you briefly tell about the Russian and Ukrainian presidents' common declaration on Transdniestria?
M.R.U.: Last year Transdniestria was certainly a very hot issue in international affairs. In 2005 we actually witnessed a very speedy course of events, with initiatives and proposals of settlement, of enlarging the format of negotiations and getting our European and Atlantic partners more involved in efforts to reach durable solution for Transdniestria.
The recent common declaration of the Russian Federation president and Ukraine's president is undoubtedly part of this process of political meditation and action. As far as this is concerned, the declaration has been no surprise at all for us. The text had already been debated some time before so that consensus on a final version between Moscow and Kiev officials would follow. But up to a point it has been surprising that they decided the Declaration should be released the very minute Chisinau officials were starting new talks on the conflict in Transdniestria, talks anyway attended by the representatives of Russia and Ukraine. The main aspects in the Declaration text bring no news, but traditional topics usually on the 5 plus 2 negotiators' agenda.
Postponement can no longer be accepted
ZIUA: What is Romania's attitude at the Putin-Yushchenko Declaration?
M.R.U.: We have been continually pleading for peaceful solution to the situation in Transdniestria, for obedience to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Moldovan Republic. We have appreciated and supported any positive idea or initiative respecting these principles and aimed at a democratic, achievable solution to a conflict that has continued for too long. Postponement of solutions to the state of things in the Eastern Moldovan Republic can no longer be accepted. We think the time has come for all the political actors who can contribute to solution to take serious, responsible, honest and well-meaning commitment. We believe chances to end this conflict for good can improve if the participants in negotiations take more coherent action. Voluntary action, even if coming from the best intentions, cannot replace political consensus and true will to reach a final solution. Courage and initiative need to be accompanied by openness to dialogue, creativity and constancy.
ZIUA: What is your opinion on this document's impact on negotiations for Transdniestria?
M.R.U.: Despite the significant political and diplomatic efforts taken so far, this process has obviously taken too small steps ahead. The most obvious results have been the consolidation of a status quo dangerous to the region's stability and security on the one hand, and the solidification of the criminal and illegal regime in Tyraspol on the other. We believe now more than ever there is need of new ideas, more balanced and coherent, to provide a way to end the standstill and facilitate the way to final solution on Transdniestria. The reshaping of the old ideas can only prolong the present state of things and cause distrust and uncertainty, which would not be favorable to the fulfillment of negotiations. As far as the conflict in Transdniestria is concerned, unilateral initiatives risk leading to alternative ways, parallel negotiation means. Therefore they risk annulling the scarce progress made due to consensus of all sides involved. Such strategy can only serve the aims of those interested in keeping the frozen conflict in the Eastern Moldovan Republic. (D.E.)
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