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  Nr. 3520 de miercuri, 11 ianuarie 2006 
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Romania and Bulgaria risk more than postponed accession
Unless they meet al EU requirements, Romania and Bulgaria risk not only postponed accession, but also postponed facilities associated to the member status, said Brussels sources, according to Der Standard. The two countries' admission might be on the edge, even if the European Commission's report due this spring concludes states meet criteria for joining the EU in 2007. Der Standard claims in case the two states fail to make the progress EU demanded in the reports released in October 2005, especially progress with the fight of corruption, they would face one more "sword of Damocles". The German daily says in Brussels there is voiced eventual postponement of certain facilities due to accession documents: the free circulation of the labor force and even the complete integration in the agriculture subvention system. Such eventual measure is said to stimulate certain judiciary system reforms. (...)
Der Standard informs Austria intends to ratify the treaties of accession of both Romania and Bulgaria this year, while isthas got presidency over the EU.
Austria assures enlargement continues
The EU enlargement remains Austria's main objective in these 6 months. This is what Austrian Ambassador to EU Gregor Woschnagg said yesterday. He said the process would continue under Vienna's presidency. The diplomat mentioned the decision on the accession of Romania and Bulgaria depended on the European Commission's reports due in May. (...)
Yesterday EU Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn warned that both states had to take constant efforts each and every day to make sure they could get admitted in 2007. He said this was very likely to happen. (D.E.)
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