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  Nr. 3513 de sambata, 24 decembrie 2005 
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LATEST - In Brief
President Basescu muffles bomb threat
Romanian president Traian Basescu claimed yesterday that the bomb threat in Kabul causing the route of the official delegation he was in to change hadn't been such an extraordinary incident. He explained: "This is childish. That is a war zone. There are at least some hundred threats a day everywhere there. There was a blast the previous time I was there too. This is it when you go to a battlefield. There was nothing special". The president also said he had felt safe all the time there, as Romanian soldiers were protecting him. (...) (R.A.)
A r h i v a
  Traian Basescu's years    
  Free speech on trial    
  Tanacu bomb    
  Salt mine's ceiling cracks in Ocnele Mari    
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 Dezvaluirile anului 2005 (428 afisari)
 Hristos se naste, Slaviti-L (267 afisari)
 Anii lui Traian Basescu (172 afisari)
 Bomba Tanacu (111 afisari)
 Petre Pandrea. Un stoic rural?(II) (109 afisari)
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