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  Nr. 3505 de joi, 15 decembrie 2005 
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Europe keeps an eye on Bastroe canal
-- International Commission for the Protection of the Danube to monitor Ukraine anti-ecological action
The 8th yearly reunion of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube took place in December 12-13 in Vienna. A delegation from the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Environment Ministry attended the event. The Ukrainian project to build Bastroe canal was one more time analyzed by the representatives of Danube states and environment NGOs watching every Danube states supposed to obey the Convention on Protection and Durable Use of the Danube River, signed in Sophia in June 29, 1994. The International Commission for Protection of the Danube adopted new resolution outlining it was vital for Ukraine to obey international obligations concerning the protection of the Danube Delta environment before going on with building operations on Bastroe canal. The document emphasizes the Commission's concern with the way Ukraine is approaching Bastroe. The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to monitor obedience to international environment agreements regarding Bastroe project, as well as international resolutions and decisions on it. (D.E.)
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