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  Nr. 3505 de joi, 15 decembrie 2005 
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Basescu claims there are clues on of EU funds for CSM to be sacked
Romanian president Traian Basescu claims there are clues on EU funds for CSM (the Superior Council of Magistrates) to be sacked. He asked CSM members to find means of institutional collaboration with the government and the Ministry of Justice. In yesterday's plenary session of CSM members Basescu said he was worried about Brussels clues on Romania's accession to the EU and that there were problems with the fight of corruption and duration of trials. He claimed he had information about EU finance for CSM to be cancelled. He also informed that today he was to have a meeting in with EU commissioners in Brussels and try to explain to them that CSM would do all that was needed to gain credibility. He told prosecutors: "Please refresh the credibility of CSM starting from present legislation."
The president wants policemen to become prosecutors
Yesterday Basescu chaired the plenary session of CSM members for the fourth time, making use of his constitutional prerogatives. He asked CSM for solutions to reach balance between the number of Romanian policemen and prosecutors and do something to end trial delays. He also required CSM prosecutors to come up with suggestions for modifications on the Criminal Procedure Code and Civic Procedure Code as well. (...) Basescu explained it was impossible for prosecutors to handle all cases sent by policemen and suggested that policemen graduated in law should become prosecutors after 6-month training. He estimated such change could be achieved in some 10-15 years' time. The Romanian president also demanded CSM members for legislative projects. (...)
Voichita RASCANU 
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