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  Nr. 3505 de joi, 15 decembrie 2005 
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One crucial day for Romania
-- Brussels debate on EU budget, Strasbourg voting on European Parliament's report
The scandal on alleged CIA secret operations in Europe, the EU budget on 2007-2013 and report on the accession of Romania and Bulgaria to the EU were the prevailing issues in yesterday's Strasbourg meeting, just one day before the EU summit in Brussels that Romanian president Traian Basescu is to attend too. Romania has now got an almost unique chance: unless the budget favors Romania today, under the British presidency over the EU, it is little likely for Austria and Finland to take over presidency to support our country's aspiration. The Moscovici report on Romania's preparations for accession to the EU in 2007 was also under debate in the European Parliament. MEPs are to vote on the Moscovici report today. The document opines that the fight of corruption is an "urgent" matter for Romanian authorities to handle. It also asks for more efforts for implementing European environment legislation. Apart from real problems, the document includes false ones: new special mentions on the general situation of minorities and the protection of the Magyar community in particular. Bucharest authorities are recommended to adopt a law on minorities as soon as possible. Hungarian lobby in the European Parliament was extremely aggressive, asking for even "more than cultural autonomy." There came up two more amendments to alleged CIA detention centers, demanding Romania to provide the EU with all details available. As for child adoption, MEPs seem to have forgotten that Romania legislation is in keeping with EU requirements and they ask that about 1,100 Romanian children should go to foreign families. The document also insists that the European Parliament should stand by any Brussels decision about the activation of the safeguard clause set in Romania's treaty of accession to the EU. (D.E.)
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