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  Nr. 3503 de marti, 13 decembrie 2005 
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The Black Sea is hot issue
One year ago Romanian president Traian Basescu came up with policy on the Washington-London-Bucharest Axis. Ever since then diplomats have been paying attention to the Black Sea issue, hotter and hotter. (...) River states, the enlarged Black Sea region, the European Union and the United States are determined to carry out project to provide security to a region that can change Russia's energy monopoly as compared to Europe. Yesterday the ZIUA Foreign Affairs Department launched a book of studies titled "The AXIS � New Romania at the Black Sea". Romanians and representatives of the US, GB, Germany and Romanian Presidency took this opportunity to express opinions. (...)
Officials signs from Cotroceni
Presidential adviser Claudiu Saftoiu described the above-mentioned book as "confirmation" and congratulated the team of journalists working for ZIUA, so keen on foreign affairs press reports: "My sincerest congratulations to Victor Roncea and the team of enthusiastic journalists, the ZIUA board, who have permanently watched it and meditated on it as thoroughly as possible. I want to emphasize that to the Romanian presidency this book is one of the confirmations we have been waiting for: the confirmation of an accomplished mission. "
Claudiu Saftoiu explained: "In the minds of Traian Basescu's political adversaries, the Washington-London-Bucharest axis has been an electoral project to stir protests and fear. Historical fear of the bigger brother in the East, of Russians. To revisit the Black Sea issue from a Romanian perspective means to break a tacit political pact of the great powers that, one way or the other, had perceived the Black Sea region as one exclusively dedicated to a certain influence. As for the debate in the Romanian public space, in one year the fear of Russians turned into fear of having Americans in Romania! "(...)
The presidential adviser explained Cotroceni's view on the Black Sea region: "The president's interest in the Black Sea is due to the need to balance our foreign affairs policy. But it is also interest in Romania's future in Europe. Romania must make sure there are no instability areas around it." (...)
George DAMIAN 
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