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  Nr. 3503 de marti, 13 decembrie 2005 
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LATEST - In Brief
Romanian health system in chaos
After checks in almost 150 Romanian hospitals, several directors were dismissed on Sunday. Romanian health minister Eugen Nicolaescu claims that checks have unveiled unjustified debts, poor fund management, illegal public acquisitions and staff employed without obeying legal conditions. All the staff dismissed is now asking minister Nicolaescu for explanations. The latter explains: "The hospitals checked fit three different categories: 1. hospitals spending more than in the budget that can explain expenses, meaning patients with diagnoses and treatments above estimations in the initial contracts; 2. hospitals spending more than in the budget that can't justify it and 3. hospitals with debts that disobeyed initial contracts and had no achievements, spending resources without treating the number of patients set in the contract. " The health minister adds that criminal suspicion is to be handled by institutions entitled to it. As for hospital directors contracting expenses without having the legal means to cover for them, Nicolaesu suggested they should be sued. (...)
As consequence, health employees are confused, which can effect on their activity. The danger is real because this is about many emergency and district hospitals. Nicolaescu made his announcement in Sunday's news conference, before the official information reached the respective employees. Several of the latter are now determined to complain against the ministry's decision. Some of them have got documents proving there are not debts such as the ones Nicolaescu invoked to dismiss them. In other cases political involvement is voiced. As he was in a hurry, the health minister even dismissed the Romanian Academy president, along with the administration council of Elias Hospital. Eugen Simion says the minister is making a mistake. As reply, the latter invokes one law and one ordinance entitling him to dismiss academicians any time he pleases and without warning, even on Sunday afternoon. Sorin Oprescu, dismissed as director of Bucharest University Hospital and of Elias Hospital, denies charges and wants to sue the minister. The leading board of Nicolae Stancioiu Heart Institute in Cluj was dismissed, although the institute has got no debts and famous doctors are disregarded. The minister dismissed the 15 directors and 14 administration councils without announcing who is to take over and when. (C.P.)
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