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  Nr. 3491 de luni, 28 noiembrie 2005 
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PSD wants government to resign
At the end of last week Mircea Geoana and Ion Iliescu started tough attack against Tariceanu's Cabinet. While in Resita, the president of PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) explained the present government was made up of oligarchs. On the other hand, senator Ion Iliescu asked government representatives to make electoral promises come true. PSD representatives from Caras-Severin, Timis, Arad and Hunedoara, along with party leaders, adopted declaration claiming that the Executive had to resign because of the anti-social policy, says Mediafax. PSD representatives reproached the present "orange government" for the state of Romanian education, health reform, social protection and fight of corruption. PSD accused PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu of lacking moral sense, as the latter had accused the 400,000 education employees on strike that they were being political manipulated.
Geoana and Iliescu against the rulers' promises
Geoana invoked the "orange lies" of the present rulers, as he opined that the government was made up of oligarchs and corruption was spreading. (...) Ex Romanian president Ion Iliescu did unrelenting critique of the present rulers, because of the latter's "demagogic, obviously unrealistic" promises with view to education, which they had expressed during the electoral campaign. (...)
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