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  Nr. 3490 de sambata, 26 noiembrie 2005 
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Invisible leaflets
President Traian Basescu said during Realitatea TV program that he was the target of mob groups. He explained: "This is the unbelievable battle of groups whose members shook hands. My thanks to the press who has contributed to the weakening of the president's position by saying <He is like us, the mob guys. >" He added more: "Right now leaflets are being distributed. They have precise messages about how Basescu is taking the money of priests, teachers and doctors." Bucharest Police spokesman said he knew nothing about leaflets with messages against Basescu being distributed in Bucharest. The Police spokesman mentioned: "I know nothing about this, I have got no information." In today's paper we can read Basescu's statements during the TV program. As for his house in Mihaileanu Street and the audio recording Ciuvica unveiled, Basescu said he was not guilty. The president explained he bought the house legally for $ 19,000, although it was evaluated to $ 250,000, because this was how much the state asked for. As for the audio recording, the head of state said there were fragments from a press conference on it. Basescu denied all comparison of Patriciu to Opris, because the Liberal leader was not a government member, unlike the Democrat prefect. (D.I.)
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