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  Nr. 3490 de sambata, 26 noiembrie 2005 
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Dick Marty said there were very clear clues
Dick Martin, European Council Rapporteur handling the CIA secret prisons, said yesterday in Bucharest that there was no reason to doubt the statements of the Romanian and Polish governments. The latter had mentioned having no information about CIA secret detention centers in their countries. But he warned the Permanent Commission members in the European Council's Parliamentary Assembly that they were not to be naive about it, because there were very clear clues of illegal transfer of prisoners in Europe and therefore it was very likely for Western secret services to be involved in it.
Dick Martin said he had no evidence proving the existence of such detention centers, but mentioned there were clues about it. (...)
Small, temporary locations
Dick Marty explained that such practices did not make use of official means, but of secret service ones. He added that thesecret services never told the truth. He outlined that in Europe there were no Guantanamo-like centers, but it was likely that there existed small, temporary locations for prisoner questioning.
In the declaration adopted yesterday by the Permanent Commission in the European Council's Parliamentary Assembly, it is mentioned that the inquiry is not after "charging" or "sanctioning" one or several states, but after learning the truth. (...) (G.D.)
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