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  Nr. 3490 de sambata, 26 noiembrie 2005 
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The bridge to Europe will be pass soon or never
The title seems rather pessimistic or controversial, but the score of it, is the actual and eager wish to see Macedonia and all other countries from South-East European region, as soon as possible, as part of Europe. Obstacles on that path are still huge and uncertain, that's why skepticism among population is present and indubitable. Speaking about Macedonia itself have to be said that the country from the very first moment of proclaiming indpendence September 8, 1991, faced a lot of bridges that have to be crossed with a lot of tensions, problems, and compromises. The population of two million, from which almost one third are ethnic Albanians, faced denaing the right of using the name Macedonia (mainly Greeks embargo and vetoes in the international institutions), that is still provoking frustrations and problems especially in the international relations. Namely, it is aburdence for clear relations with the EU. The USA, Russia, China and Turkey recognized Macedonia among athers countries under its Constitutional name - Republic of Macedonia, but reference that supposed to be provisional as it was said only for three months FYROM is still official part of the international documents. This, willing or not, is a problem as the EU considered Greece as important partner.
But, leaving this problem unsolved means opening the door for the future of Macedonia.November 9, supposed to be the date when the EU should say "yes" or "no" for the Macedonian candidature. The country is expecting positive answer even the date might not be precise. The arguments for that are implementing the so called Ohrid Agreement from 2001 that was signed in Skopje, August 13, and which created new Constitutional picture for mutual living with minorities. Implementing reforms that are needed in transitional system, even so far are not lead on the best way. But, "yes" would mean some kind of promotion of Macedonian peacefull and tolerant politics that was taking place since independence. That would mean "yes" for the citizen to accept difficult time that is coming, poverty and desperete economic situation of almost 40 per cent unemployed and give them a "light" that there is a better future. They have only to work hard, to ajusted to the European standards and then one day they will live according to that standards.If it is no that would be dispaointness that might provoke economical and social protesstes and problems that might even destabilizaed still fragile political situation in the country. Theoreticly the history should be left where belongs - to the history. But, history is something unavoidable here, on Balkan, probably elswhere in the world. That's why we have to have on mind some information linked to it.Historicaly, Macedonia, as an ethinic territory, was split on three parts; one belonged to Greece, another to Bulgaria, and this part what is today Republic ofMacedonia was part of Serbia. This was in the last centuries. Twice in the recent history Macedonia was in a key position for starting Balkan wars that led in a much deeper and terrible European conflicts. "No" from Europe some political streems might read as open door for speculations of the existence of Macedonia. Having on mind not solved issue of Kosovo and existing ambitious of creating so called Great Albania might increased with the situation in the region of unknown or unclear short -term solution regarding Europe as firm base for common peacefull living. On the contrary any distance of Europe towards the region, using double standards, or choosing one country to be promoteur or protect or protege, would be only "yeas" deastroing any chance for peace and stability on a long-term level.As small and landlocked Macedonia is strange part of the world for many. But, on the other hand the country showed strange toughness for existence and overcoming problems. Problems that often were imported from the neighborhood, mainly Kosovo region, or imposed from the international community as special standard; to change the flag, to negotiate the name (still existing problem), to discuss the language issue with Bulgaria or Church issue with Serbia. Problems that actually did not face any single country from Balkan, from Europe, probably from the world.A part from political obstacles Macedonia as others is stepping way of transition, and not only political but economical and social one, which for its citizens is doubled frustration.That's why Macedonia deserve to take care about its future as a stable state. To be part of the European family as soon as possible. The fact that is a small country might be minus, but plus a s well. It is easier to be managed on all levels and to secure better life for all citizens. The problem is that the citizens faced decade and a half, such a terrible, strange and threatening demands that rather are touching the score of identity are going to lose the faith at the idea to be good boy. Not, rarely they can see how "bad" gays got more and quicker. As very important cross road and very important example that different ethnic and religious groups are living together in Macedonia, why not, let's say case have to survive on the best way. This is the challenge that have to be considered. If mutual living in Macedonia did not succeed, mutual living in the region which so far shows that might be even impossible will lead into vast conflict and chaotic situation.Europe has to have once in recent history a preventive role. Not to take care about the fire afterwords as it was case so far. The international community, mainly the USA and Europe, invest so much in the region of Balkan, they have been so deeply involved in the crucial issues that if they do not react on time,means giving green light for Macedonia and the others to be part of this prestigious family might face new serial of problems that would sooner or later hit Europe itself.That's why the title now or never. Not because small countries as Macedonia are not going to survive, but because the countries within European union will face the problems that will have time to be overcome. That's why to be part of Europe is not only a wish, but a necessity. As I have already said, it is no doubt that Macedonia would survive even if Europe did not accept it in his hag. But, realistically would be much easier for the country, for the people, for the transition and mainly for the region if that's happen the sooner the better.Having on mind all problems that border country, all compromises that had to be done, using the system of double standards might lead into regional chaos provoking chaos in each country separately. That's why actually headline Europe now or never. Not because Macedonia will fail as a state, but because Europe might fail with itself. Using double standards, or demanding issues for one country that are not required for another is, at least, creating frustration among people that sacrificed so much that the end will be again uncertainty. And Europe will face the problem with itself.
Jasmina MIRONSKI, Macedonia, journalist for France Presse 
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