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  Nr. 3490 de sambata, 26 noiembrie 2005 
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Media entrenched on the Eastern front
Germany, interrested as always in the Eastern part of Europe, has an active contribution to democratization of ex "soviet camp", that finds itself at the entrance of European Union.Today, after half of century, Europe recovers herself, with its natural borders, following the example of Germany, reunified 16 years ago. The wall of Berlin has fallen. Forever. Soviet Union re-branded as Commonwealth of Independent States. But its headquarters remained the same: the Palace of Kremlin, with its red star at the top of the building, inherited from Stalin. Only the master changed - now: Vladimir Putin.
The Russian world is different; it needs an iron fist - this is an argument often used to excuse totalitarian excesses of the former KGB officer, transformed into president. Between yesterday's Soviet Union Slavic space and tomorrow European Union finds itself a small artificial state: Republic of Moldova, (just) a piece of Romanian Bessarabia. This is the place where Germany, through Goethe Institute from Bucharest, has chosen to organize the conference "Connecting the political stage and media in South Eastern European countries to the realities of the European Union". The conference lasted two days, 26 -27 september, in Chisinau, with the support of Czech Center Bucharest and Stability Pact in South-Eastern Europe, promoted by Foreign Affairs Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany, this conference wanted in the first place to tackle the problems of mass-media in Eastern Europe. And there are not few such problems.
Censorship through governmental pressure, an unhappy presence in new Romania after Iliescu-Nastase regime, is a daily occurence, in all former communist states. As raporteur for South Eastern European Media Organization I allready have filled up a file, well documented, that will find its way to all responsible European and Euro-Atlantic authorities. The real image of Romania in front of Bruxelles or Washington will never be reflected by false statements, typical for manipulation trust born by former Securitate. Even fake smiles aren't usefull, so far the freedom of speech - the most valuable asset gained after Romanian insurrection from 1989, the guarantee of a viable democracy - is put under pressure.
Mass media role in consolidating a democratic society, prepared for EU accession, is something essential. A journalist has a responsibility, that on many instances overcomes that of governants: to show the truth hidden by authorities. A civic involvement of a journalist on the Eastern front goes further: he must contribute throgh his analisis and inquiries to the prevention of conflicts. Conflicts lika that from Transnistria. This does ZIUA newspaper for 10 years, a mission followed by the association of young journalists - Civic Media - since its creation in 2000. All these elements made that the mentioned conference in Chisinau to focus on problemes generated by Tiraspol. This is why we feel honoured to contribute in this publication, together with Goethe Institute Bucharest team and its partners.
Russian enclave Transnistria is a concern for journalists of both sides of Prut river. The future of this enclave could be solved easily, suggested some of participants. Getting European Union and United States at the negotiations table - even with a different status - would lead toa a fast solution of the conflict.
What should be the next step? A clarvoyant diplomacy should not merely have the answer, but should offer it - not only to its partners, but to the nation it represents. The answer is, as the colleagues from Civic Media claim, to take the German model, with European and American support: Unification. In the interrest of Euro-Atlantic security, an investment in the Unification Project would be lower than the following costs of a general instability on long term.
If Iliescu's regime didn't want it and Constantinescu's regime could not do it, the president of new Romania has now this historical chance: reunification of Romanian nation.
Victor RONCEA, Civic Media 
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