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  Nr. 3484 de sambata, 19 noiembrie 2005 
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Social-Democrats complained to European Parliament
Social-Democrat MPs sent letters to European Parliament president Josep Borrell and EU Rapporteur for Romania Pierre Moscovici, expressing concern about the eventual "unconstitutional " revocation of Senate president Nicolae Vacaroiu and Deputy Chamber president Adrian Nastase. Mediefax cites spokesman of Social-Democrat deputies Victor Ponta saying they wrote the letters after Liberals' vice president Puiu Hasotti had criticized some Constitutional Court judges, mentioning that the Court's decision on the new regulation on the revocation of Parliament president would not be obeyed. (...) The Social-Democrat deputy expressed concern that present rulers' representatives were not obeying a Constitutional Court decision. Ponta explained: "We believe that in this case the political criteria related to the EU accession might also be disobeyed next year, which is a very severe thing and might have unpredictable consequences." (R.A.)
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