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  Nr. 3484 de sambata, 19 noiembrie 2005 
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There aren't two letters, but six
Rompetrol Group president Dinu Patriciu has sent six letters asking several institutions to make sure the presumption of innocent is obeyed, as far as Rompetrol any other economic agent or citizens are concerned. The letters are meant for Romanian president Traian Basescu, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, president of the Superior Council of Magistrates Dan Lupascu, Deputy Chamber president Adrian Nastase, head of the EU Delegation in Romanian Jonathan Scheele and Romanian Senate president Nicolae Vacaroiu.
The letter meant for Scheele presents the difficulties Rompetrol has been going through foe some time now because of the Romanian state. (...)
Ivestigations to start
Patriciu demands Romanian president Traian Basescu and PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu to ask the Prosecutor's Office for "appropriate conduct, in keeping with its attributions." (...) The businessman also asks for investigations that would discover the guilty who provided Rompetrol's enemies with documents part of the criminal inquiry, including confidential information on the activity of Rompetrol. Patriciu mentions this request is grounded on the Romanian president's constitutional role to see that public authorities work properly in keeping with the Constitution and the constitutional principle on the presumption of innocence during investigations. (...)
The letters are accompanied by a memorandum providing a thorough description of Rompetrol's difficulties with the Romanian state. (B.C.G.)
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