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  Nr. 3484 de sambata, 19 noiembrie 2005 
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Basescu got himself the Information Community
Yesterday's meeting of CSAT (the Supreme Council for National Defense) was a stormy one, as president Basescu managed only in the end to impose his view on the future CNI (the National Information Community). Even if the Liberals had a different view on means to establish the CNI and wanted it under parliamentary or PM's control, Tariceanu could not get such a thing. After almost 7 hours of talks, CSAT members managed to reach consensus on the future CNI. The Romanian president did not want a law to agree to the making of CNI and chose to do the latter by means of CSAT decision. As anticipated, Basescu also decided to start making changes on the SIE (the Foreign Intelligence Service) staff. (...) All SIE executive chiefs were sacked.
PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, foreign affairs minister Mihai-Razvan Ungureanu, interior minister Vasile Blaga, defense minister Teodor Atanasiu, economy minister Codrut Seres, finance minister Sebastian Vladescu, Justice minister Monica Macovei, SRI (the Romanian Secret Service) chief Radu Timofte and SIE chief Gheorghe Fulga, presidential advisers Renate Weber and Claudiu Saftoiu and more officials attended yesterday's meeting.
It is to be seen who will become presidential adviser for national security and when future changes in the secret service staff are made. (Doru DRAGOMIR)
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