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  Nr. 3481 de miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2005 
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Macovei: No people will be sentenced in high corruption cases till April
On Monday evening while in Strasbourg, after debate on the report on Romania by EU Rapporteur Pierre Moscovici, Romanian Justice minister Monica Macovei said that until the European Commission's report on Romania due in April no people would be sentenced for high corruption. Macovei added Romania still had to prove that the anti-corruption system worked. Macovei explained: "MEPs in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the European Parliament talked about problems we are aware of, related to the law and treatment of minorities and high corruption cases. But people at home should know there is open talk about such problems in Strasbourg." Monica Macovei informed MEPs that Romanian had started checks on judges and prosecutors suspected of connections to the former Communist Secret Service and that campaign against corruption in the judiciary system was to start by the end of the year, which was "premier" in Romania. Macovei reminded: "The common document reached in December 2004 has it that we have to send credible proves of work on high corruption and organized crimes cases by November." The Romanian minister mentioned: "I have assured Foreign Affairs Committee members about our good intentions. I told them we would hide nothing. We are at similar terms with the European Commission. I am reminding that pressure on us is not at all lower."(...) (B.C.G.)
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