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  Nr. 3481 de miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2005 
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Constitutional Court's opinion: The revocation of Parliament presidents is unconstitutional
The Constitutional Court decided on Monday evening that those articles on the revocation of the Senate and Deputy Chamber presidents, included in the regulation of both Chambers, were unconstitutional. This way the Court partly admitted the complaints written by PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) and PRM ("Great Romania" Party).
Court debates took place on Friday and Monday and decision was reached after 12-hour debate.
The Court decided that articles on the revocation of Parliament presidents were not in keeping with paragraph 5, article 64 in the Constitution, according to which permanent bureaus and parliamentary commissions are made depending on every Chamber's configuration. (...)
Tariceanu waits for explanations to the Constitutional Court's decision
PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu would not comment on the Court's decision yet and said he would express opinion after he analyzing the Court's motivation. He explained: "I can't comment on this decision yet because we have to see the motivation first. When we have it, then we can know our point of view for sure. Until then I am not commenting on it at all." (...) (R.A.)
Adriean Videanu, executive president of the Democrat Party: The Court has spoiled the chance to dignity
Adriean Videanu, executive president of the Democrat Party, opined that the Constitutional Court's decision was no surprise, as the institution was under political commands. He mentioned: "Although we have hoped it will be different, the Constitutional Court spoiled the chance to dignity by refusing to harmonize the real state of things in the Parliament with the Constitution. The decision was predictable." He said it was not acceptable that all public official positions might be revoked, except for the presidents of Parliament Chambers. He also added: "We are waiting for the Constitutional Court to come up with motivation and we will try to find different means to revoke the two." When asked if the Court's decision would reopen talks about early elections, the PD leader answered such issue was not necessarily related to the Court's decision and that they were to talk about early elections again after the report on Romania due in April 2006.
Augustin Bolcas, vice president of "Great Romania" Party (PRM): The Court "has finally done justice"
PRM vice president Lucian Bolcas opined the Court's decision was the end of an absurd battle for positions that the Liberal-Democrat Alliance had started. He said Court judges were experts and their verdict had finally done justice. Bolcas mentioned: "I hope this has calmed down the Alliance's appetite for positions, which has been their only target since they came to power." (...)
Senate president Nicolae Vacaroiu: Court decision is to be obeyed
"We can make some comments, but the Constitutional Court's decision is to be obeyed and comments are less important. When we wrote the Court we knew it was the one to decide, as we also knew they would obey any decision. It is to be published in "The Official Monitor". The Constitution was correctly interpreted. It is time for things to become normal, so far we have been wasting time and provided the Parliament with a poor image. It is difficult to get the president revoked as sanction, because I am a man who obeys the Constitution no matter what. And in no way am I a man keen on positions. In case we break the regulation, we can talk about revocation."
Deputy Chamber president Adrian Nastase: The victory of PSD
Deputy Chamber president Adrian Nastase said the Court decision that the revocation of the two Parliament presidents was unconstitutional was a victory of PSD (the Social-Democrat Party), as far as image was concerned. The executive president of PSD mentioned few people had thought PSD stood chances to win. Nastase opined that Constitutional Court arbitration succeeded in confrontation with "Coalition muscles." He described the decision as "return to normality". (....) (R.A.)
Coalition leaders are optimistic
Coalition leaders think there still are chances to revoke the two Parliament presidents. Constitutional Court president Ioan Vida refers to revocation on disciplinary grounds.
Court president comes up with solution and insists on disciplinary revocation
D.A. ("Truth and Justice") Alliance stands chances to sack the presidents of Parliament Chambers if the latter are revoked on disciplinary grounds and for severe breaking of the Constitution and the parliamentary regulation. This is what Constitutional Court president Ioan Vida said on Tuesday. He explained: "If political revocation comes up, the two Chambers' presidents may be revoked only if the group who proposed then wants to and they may be replaced by somebody else from the same group." (...) (A.H.)
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