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  Nr. 3477 de vineri, 11 noiembrie 2005 
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LATEST - In Brief
Basescu intervenes in the talks between the Government and the education trade unions and pleads for an envelope of 5% of the GDP for the education system. Some politicians consider the President's statement, occurred at the investiture of the new minister, Mihail Hardau, as an interference in the Executive's affairs, while some other see it as a good intervention. The chief of State pointed out that the funds achieved from the increase of the budget should not be directed to wage increases, but to the modernization of the educational system in Romania. Basescu also indicated the priority fields school building, giving a chance to rural youth, adequate measures to prevent school giving up, building of student dorms. Teachers, in their fourth day of general strike, do not want to continue negotiations with the Government. Instead, they want to talk directly with the President and ask for minimum wages of 250 EURO from 2006 and even their doubling starting with 1st of January 2007. In a statement to Realitatea TV, Basescu explained his position regarding the education envelope is not part of "what some analysts aberrantly call war between the palaces". (C.V.)
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