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  Nr. 3474 de marti, 8 noiembrie 2005 
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LATEST - In Brief
Common procedure for law on national minorities' status
Yesterday the Permanent Bureau in the Deputy Chamber turned down PM Tariceanu's request for emergency procedure on the law on national minorities' status and agreed to common procedure debate in 30 days' time. (...) Democrats' leader Emil Boc announced yesterday that his party was for this project, but they would come up with amendments to be decided by Coalition members. (...) (R.A., A.H.)
A r h i v a
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  Coalition decided to get rid of Social-Democrat staff    
  More than 80% of education staff on strike    
  Lavrov comes to Bucharest with no heritage    
  Poiana Mare mental hospital employees protest    
  Public acquisitions no longer secret    
 Top afisari / comentarii 
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