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  Nr. 3474 de marti, 8 noiembrie 2005 
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More than 80% of education staff on strike
Education staff protests ongoing in more than 80% of Romanian education institutions have most determined action since 1990, as pre-university and university education staff along with students are participating. Protests will continue till the protesters' claims are met. Protests started because of the Romanian Executive's offer for an education budget lower than promised in electoral campaign. Education employees demand budget for 2006 to reach 6% of the internal raw product and more. (...) Union representatives say they will go all the way, even if state authorities demand education staff to obey the law. Aurel Cornea, leader of the Free Education Unions, explained: "As long as the Romanian Parliament and public finance minister Sebastian Vladescu said he could not obey the law, that is to provide 6% of the internal product to the education budget, I can't see why education staff should be demanded to obey the law. It is immoral for authorities to say we are breaking the law by protests, as all we are doing is to demand authorities for what they must give to Romanian education." (...) (M.J.)
Public administration employees go on strike
More than 20,000 public administration employees in the National Federation of Local Public Administration Unions, affiliated to Cartel Alfa, went on strike yesterday. Federation's president Valer Suciu said public servants and contract staff all over Romania took part in protests. Suciu explained: "We intend to start warning strike in November 18, when we stop work for 2 hours" (...) Pay raise, modification of Law 188/ 1999 on the public servant's status, modification of Law 215/ 2001 on the descentralization of public administration are some of their claims. (C.P.)
Underground transport employees demand 23% pay raise and better labor conditions
Yesterday morning underground transport union members stopped work for 2 hours to demand 23% pay raise and better labor conditions. (...) Ion Radoi, leader of the Romanian Underground Transport Union, said the 5,500 employees of Metrorex needed pay raise because of growing inflation. According to Radoi, the collective labor contract was up and it had to be renewed, but administration had offered no pay raise. Radoi hopes solution will be found to avoid general strike that would affect more than 600,000 passengers. (...) Union members expect authorities to make an offer or they will have to decide on a date to go on general strike. (C.P.)
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