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  Nr. 3474 de marti, 8 noiembrie 2005 
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Coalition decided to get rid of Social-Democrat staff
Last week the Liberals restarted initiative to get rid of PSD (Social-Democrat Party) staff in state institutions. In yesterday's meeting the leaders of the PNL (the National Liberal Party)-PD (the Democrat Party) Alliance talked about it again. The Democrats agreed that they should speed up with procedures to sack public institution heads who had been named by the former party at rule. Alliance spokesman Eugen Nicolaescu said solution was to be reached "in keeping with legislation and legal competencies so that PSD staff in local and central administration should de replaced." Journalists asked if Alliance leaders would ask Romanian president Traian Basescu to sack secret service chiefs. Nicolaescu answered: "The Alliance has decided that everything must be in keeping with the law." Alliance sources say the Democrats asked the Liberals to no longer plead for the replacing of secret service chiefs so that not to give a hard time to president Basescu, formerly a PD member. This way Alliance members turned back to what they would plead for in the election campaign: to fight against Social-Democrats in the system. (...)
Revocation of Social-Democrat presidents of local councils is uncertain
As for the replacing of district council presidents and vice presidents, Alliance members promised to express view after debate on the new set of laws on public administration. Debate on the new legislation started last week at the initiative of Democrat minister Vasile Blaga and the point on the revocation of local council presidents refers to 2008.
Geoana attacks Coalition's plan
PSD leader Mircea Geoana criticized the rulers' intention to get rid of Social-Democrats in state institutions. Geoana commented: "We demand the present rulers to mind their business, that is real state business. Maybe tomorrow they will ask the Social Democrats to leave Romania or that 5 million PSD voters should be eliminated." He said he was much displeased at Liberal Ludovic Orban's latest statement, reproaching president Basescu for not coming up with plan against PSD. (...)
PNL and PD think they are getting along well
In yesterday's meeting they also decided that in the future the Liberals and the Democrats should provide a clearer definition of the communication strategy inside the Alliance and present the results of governmental future measures, said Nicolaescu. Alliance leaders reiterated support for Tariceanu's Cabinet in order to do away with all suspicion, said Democrats' president Emil Boc. Boc claimed the Liberals and Democrats were getting along well. He mentioned that Alliance talks to revoke PM Tariceanu or to change structure of forces within the Alliance was out of question.
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