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  Nr. 3463 de miercuri, 26 octombrie 2005 
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Coalition goes on
After their meeting on Monday evening, the leaders of Coalition parties managed to do away with a conflict caused by the fact that PC (the Conservative Party) had voted along with PSD (the Social-Democrat Party) and PRM ("Great Romania" Party) against the project law on national minorities' status. Yesterday evening they agreed that deputies should vote on the Executive's version of this project, to the satisfaction of UDMR (the Democrat Union of Hungarians in Romania). UDMR leader Marko Bela warned the Conservatives: "You may be wrong once, but not twice." Bela opined that the senators' disagreement to the project on minorities' status pointed to the Coalition's scarce coherence and view on minorities.
Voiculescu's Conservatives were promised that the electoral law would be modified in such a way to provide this party with at least one local adviser mandate in those localities where Romanian communities or national minorities could not get minimum representation in local councils. Liberals' president Calin Popescu Tariceanu explained: "They are going to get representatives in the local communities of Romanians in the areas where they don't always manage to have one representative elected." (...) (A.H.)
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