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  Nr. 3456 de marti, 18 octombrie 2005 
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LATEST - In Brief
Stanoiu plays victim of Basescu's regime
Ex justice minister Rodica Stanoiu announced in Senate meeting that the following week she would appeal to "all international institutions" in the stenograms case. She claimed she and Florin Georgescu were pressed charges by breaking their constitutional rights. Stanoiu opined that behind this "media farce turning into juridical farce" there were "the great puppeteers of Romanian politics that set everything, having president Basescu and the justice minister as allies." Stanoiu commented: "The Fleet case is the key to the stenograms case." She explained that once Basescu had become president, she became a target for Justice because she had been one of the prosecutors in charge of the Fleet case. (...) The ex minister accused that she herself, Hildegard Puwak and Florin Georgescu were but "trophies for the country report", which justice minister Monica Macovei wanted to "put on the tray for the Europeans as high corruption cases." (...) (V.D.)
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