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  Nr. 3438 de marti, 27 septembrie 2005 
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Direct foreign investments reached 1,8 billion Euro in 7 months
In the first 7 months of 2005 foreign companies invested about 1,8 billion Euro in Romania, which is 21% more than in the first 7 months of the previous year (1,47 billion Euro). BNR (the National Bank of Romania) says in July 2005 the foreign capital on Romanian market reached more than 315 million Euro, which is almost 72% more than in July 2004. (...)
The greatest capital growth in July was achieved by mobile phone operator Cosmorom, whose main investor comes from Greece and increased capital with more than 202,1 million Euro. The Romanian Agency for Foreign Investments estimates that this year's direct foreign investments will reach 3,2-3,8 billion Euro. (A.G.C.)
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