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  Nr. 3434 de joi, 22 septembrie 2005 
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PM wants "fiscal pact" with unions and confederations
Romanian prime minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu came up with offer for unions and confederations: the latter should support authorities' action meant to elaborate stable fiscal frame and finally effect in extra income to the budget. During yesterday's meeting at Snagov Palace, the PM presented to social partners the Executive's intentions with view to eliminating fiscal evasion. The Romanian official explained that authorities were after a stable fiscal frame to bring more income for social fields, mainly health, and to allow Romanian and foreign companies to draw long-term business plans. Tariceanu also reminded that the Public Finance Ministry was to elaborate plan on measures to cut on fiscal evasion, eliminate smuggling and sanction companies not paying budget fees. The document will also set rougher conditions for casinos and more societies of the kind. Tariceanu also explained the Finance Ministry would set methodological norms on means to fairly use existing taxes, eliminate some tax-free and enlarge taxable basis.
The attendants of the consultative reunion in Snagov issued press release expressing theoretical agreement to the PM's offer on a fiscal pact between the Executive and social partners. The document mentions: "The Executive and social partners want to reach consensus on principles of economic and fiscal policy that would provide durable economic development."
Talks on such fiscal pact are to follow. State minister Gheorghe Pogea is in charge of preparing and coordinating meetings on the elaboration of such an agreement. The labor minister and the finance minister are to talk to social partners about solicitation on the lowest salary guaranteed. Early this week the leaders of the 4 union confederations asked for rise of the lowest salary from 330 RON to at least 430 RON. This claim is grounded on inflation evolution, the real rate of economic growth and labor productivity. (...) (A.G.C.)
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