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  Nr. 3425 de luni, 12 septembrie 2005 
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LATEST - In Brief
Who wants the estrangement of Aromanians?
Once with the collapse of dictatorships in the Balkans, the identity of national minorities has reached the political and diplomatic agenda again. Spread all over this region, Aromanians (a community speaking a South-Danubian variant of the Romanian language) have been under a long and rough process of denationalization and they are now claiming the rights they need in order to affirm identity values. There is a European recommendation inviting states to take action with view to it, but the results are disappointing. By abusively misinterpreting the points in Recommendation no. 1,333 in June 24, 1997, some personalities in the Aromanian community from Romania take action to estrange Aromanians and say they are an ethnic minority. In case such solicitation got consent, it would be historical error on the biographies of numerous Aromanian personalities. As they are fully aware of their ethnic membership common with that of the Dacian-Romanians, the latter have dedicated their work and life to the fight for the good of Romanians everywhere. If such estrangement were successful, it would deprive Romanian nationality of one of the most vital part of the Romanian constituents in the East, the only Latin state in Eastern Europe. By admitting status as minority despite the evidence, Romania would be absent from the historical responsibility to see to the survival of a community that got separated because of the emerging borders among Balkan States in the modern era. These are just some of the issues debated by ZIUA's guests and reaching Romanian authorities. (...) (Vartan ARACHELIAN)
Professor and academician Matilda Caragiu Marioteanu reacted: "To legalize a minority Aromanian community in today's Romania would be the most absurd point in the contemporary history of Aromanians." (...)
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