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  Nr. 3425 de luni, 12 septembrie 2005 
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LATEST - In Brief
Dinosaurs react to report on Romanian "media dinosaurs" by the Romanian Center for Investigation Journalism
Corneliu Vadim Tudor: "I'll sue them"
"I don't give a penny on these guys and on the institution they work for. I have never heard of it anyway. Like I've said in news conference, I'll sue them for using a word such as dinosaur. What are the criteria for this classification? I have got nothing against anybody, but how come George Arian and Adrian Paunescu are not in the report? Why is Dumitru Tinu, a dead man, in it? How come Valentin Paunescu is not in it? I succeeded in founding two publications all by myself. I didn't inherit huge fortune, I am not Petre Mihai Bacanu to inherit Romania libera daily. These guys will see how powerful I am".
Horia Alexandrescu: "The dinosaurs created the press"
As far as I am concerned, the report includes lots of mistakes, starting from the statement that I worked for "Scanteia"(former Romanian Communist daily). I never worked for "Scanteia". There is also talk about companies supposed to be my partners. (...)
My statements are generally trues. But there are errors too. (...)
I want to say that these people they call "dinosaurs" took over the press in 1989 and started revolution on it. They actually created the press after 1989. And present journalists are the products of our labor. The "dinosaur" generation is one and the same with Mr. Basescu's generation of politicians. The question is if any of us was a director before 1989, like many politicians are today. Anyway, if we the "dinosaurs" got together to make a newspaper, I don't know what would happen to the other publications. (...)
Petre Mihai Bacanu: "There are many fanciful things too"
"I don't agree with the whole of it. They have been faithful to the truth generally, but there are fanciful things too."
Ion Cristoiu: "Newspaper filth"
"The fundamental error of this bulk is the authors' need to prove a theory: a number of journalists, actually those people who founded democratic press in Romania, are now a sort of corrupted bosses who should reach the National Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, in case they should not be shot. (...)
Secondly, some of the statements are separated from their context and used as stones against today's Romanian press."
Sorin Rosca Stanescu: Cheerful hello from a dinosaur
"I both agree and disagree to it. I agree, since I myself have many a time expressed belief in and wish to see a new generation of top journalists handle the destiny of Romanian press in the following state. I disagree, since this new generation is late with proving professional thoroughness.
As for the rest, there are only details that matter little. Anyway, behind this material there is hidden the wish of political groups of interests at rule to bring enmity in Romanian press.
Some statements are taken out of their initial context so that I can longer admit they are mine. But I agree with most of the quotations."
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