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  Nr. 3398 de joi, 11 august 2005 
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LATEST - In Brief
Tariceanu will demand CSAT to declassify information
Romanian prime minister and president of PNL (the National Liberal Party) stated on Tuesday evening after the meeting of the PNL Executive Committee that he would ask president Basescu for a meeting with Alliance leaders and that he would also demand the declassifying of the 21 records the Romanian president had referred to. Tariceanu mentioned: "I am going to ask president Traian Basescu for official meeting with Alliance representatives in order to talk in the open about the problems the president invoked." The PNL leader claimed he was doing it because he thought there was need for "absolute clarification that would do away with all ambiguity on corruption charges against Executive members and on how the latter reach decisions". Tariceanu also said he would officially demand CSAT (the Supreme Council for National Security) to declassify the 21 records from the secret services to which president Traian Basescu had referred in his interview to the Romanian Public Radio Post. (R.G.)
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