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  Nr. 3398 de joi, 11 august 2005 
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LATEST - In Brief
Changing terms between Basescu and Morar
-- When he was Minister of Transport the Romanian president stood by Liviu Ciupe in the latter's abuse case and denied the present head of PNA * Now Basescu is supporting Morar and allows Ciupe to resign
Yesterday the new head of PNA (the National Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office) had to answer questions about the Liviu Ciupe case. Daniel Morar is the prosecutor who handled the case on Liviu Ciupe, ex head of the Roads and Bridges Department in Cluj. Daniel Morar decided precautionary arrest on the latter. The General Attorney of PNA has often been accused of not having reached the appropriate decision, especially that Liviu Ciupe was presently acquitted in court and he won the case against the Romanian state and was paid 3 billion ROL damages.
Two days go Justice Minister Monica Macovei stood by Daniel Morar as far as this was concerned. But yesterday the story got repeated in CSM (the Superior Council of Magistrates). Monica Macovei took up the "famous Ciupe case". As for the arrest decided by the present head of PNA, she said the decision had been grounded in evidence. Monica Macovei commented: "A judge who has somebody arrested out of ill intentions is to be blamed. But this is not the Ciupe case. The precautionary arrest solution was analyzed and conclusion was reached that there was evidence of guilt." She compared the Ciupe case to some cases that proved to be judiciary errors. The Justice Minister explained: "Let's make a difference between ill intention and this case. I can remember judges Blaga and Ciuca and more". (Cosmin PAVELESCU, ZIUA de Cluj)
CSM was for the new Head of PNA
Yesterday CSM members voted unanimously for Daniel Morar to become General Attorney of PNA. In an overcrowded room where one could barely breathe, the new General Attorney had to answer questions asked by members of the CSM Prosecutors' Department. It was a so-called interview that would entitle CSM to decide whether Morar was the person fit for PNA General Attorney or not. The interview progressed calmly and Morar's answers satisfied everyone. President of the Romanian Prosecutors' Association Viorica Constantiniu was the only to be more relentless. She talked about the latest general attorneys chosen. She opined: "The general attorney chosen by Valeriu Stoica is Stoica's adept, the general attorney chosen by Stanoiu is Stanoiu's adept, the one chosen by Macovei is Macovei's adept. This is the image of Romanian Justice. Every prosecutor will be connected to the Justice Minister's name."(George Tarata)
Ciupe threatens to resign from PD
Vice president of PD (the Democrat Party) Bistrita Nasaud Liviu Ciupe, also a member of the PD National Coordination Bureau, is determined to resign from the party if president Basescu agrees that Morar should rule PNA.
Ciupe also said the president would certainly agree to it, because "Mr. Basescu stands by Minister Macovei." (C.E.)
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